Jika Anda hendak menciptakan blog online store, online shopping e-commerce, alias toko online paltform blogspot, maka template Ecommerce ini menjadi alternatif template Anda.
Tentunya tampilan nya simple, SEO OPTIMIZED dan Responsive.
Dengan template ini, Anda dengan gampang mulai membangun toko online (Bisnis Online) dengan domain gratisan di blogger atau free domain (blogspot.com)
Features Blogger Template WeCommerce :
Features Blogger Template WeCommerce :
- 100% Pure Responsive: WeCommerce is 100% responsive and mobile friendly blogger template which makes user experience smooth enough on handheld devices.
- Search Engine Optimized: WeCommerce is targeted for Search Engines like Google to provide you best ranking in search results.
- Easy Control Customization: WeCommerce comes with fully written documentation which tells how you can setup the template to receive payments directly to your paypal account and even redirect users to a new location.
- More Features: Inbuilt slider, awesome post configuration, comments turned into reviews, etc.
Presenting WeCommerce, an eCommerce approach to blogger. Using this template, you can actually start your free online store with free blogspot domain. Independent framework, purely managed with javascript. The theme is responsive so it would not be a pain for mobile users to browse the site. Fully equipped with modern security and effects. Info L
- 100% Pure Responsive: WeCommerce is 100% responsive and mobile friendly blogger template which makes user experience smooth enough on handheld devices.
- Search Engine Optimized: WeCommerce is targeted for Search Engines like Google to provide you best ranking in search results.
- Easy Control Customization: WeCommerce comes with fully written documentation which tells how you can setup the template to receive payments directly to your paypal account and even redirect users to a new location.
- More Features: Inbuilt slider, awesome post configuration, comments turned into reviews, etc.
Presenting WeCommerce, an eCommerce approach to blogger. Using this template, you can actually start your free online store with free blogspot domain. Independent framework, purely managed with javascript. The theme is responsive so it would not be a pain for mobile users to browse the site. Fully equipped with modern security and effects. Info Lebih lanjut klik disni
Sumber http://contohblogspotnih.blogspot.com/
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